Tips to Make the Most Out of the Nap Time Hustle

Parents all over the world are bonding over two things right now - pouring a large drink at the end of the day and realizing the value of nap time.  


There are literally only a few hours a day when your kids are not asking you for another snack or telling you that they are bored, so how do you capitalize on that time? 

Below are 6 ways to make the most out of that nap time hustle:

Make a to do list

Limit this list to things that you need to really focus on.  While you probably need to change the wash to the dryer, that can be done with a little one nearby.  Keep a running tab of things that you can only get done when the kids aren’t around. For me, this mostly involves phone calls or anything that involves math. If you have calls to make, add the phone number to your to do list as well so that you don’t have to waste time looking for it later. 

Visualize the rest of your day 

If you are likely going to be entertaining your kids in your bedroom, wait to fold your laundry and put it away until you’re in there playing with the kids.  If the kids are going to be playing in the playroom, don’t waste your alone time organizing their toys. Don’t sacrifice valuable quiet time on things that can be done with the kids around or better yet, with the help of the kids. 

Know business hours of the places that you need to call 

I have found out recently that most doctors’ offices have unusual hours and sometimes lengthy lunch hours.  For example, my son’s allergist closes at 2pm on Thursday. If you are aware of these things, you won’t waste your time calling when you know no one is available to help you. 

Prep for an easy nap time transition

My kids take a long while to wake up and be their typical happy selves after their nap.  I often take a few minutes while they are napping to prep their snack and make sure that I have an activity or their favorite show ready to launch.  I call this their nap detox. 

Time Block 

My kids nap from 1230pm - 230pm.  I break my time into three blocks as follows: 

1230-130: Computer work - bills, calls, writing, etc. 

130-200: Clean up from the morning 

200-230: Prep for the afternoon 

Deploy the One Minute Rule

The one minute rule is simple - any task you come across that needs to be done and can be done in a minute or less, you must do when you see it.  Play doh on the ground? Pick it up and put it back Towels need to be put in the hamper? Do it. I guarantee that you will be surprised by how much you can get off your plate quickly.  I also think this shift in mindset if great for productivity in general.

I often have to leave some things half done for the greater good of the household, but it is better to be prepared for the afternoon by really taking advantage of those two golden quiet hours of nap time.  And if by some grace, I get a few minutes later in the day when everyone is content I can wrap those items up with a bow.