Back to School Prep for Parents

back to school prep

We all know it’s coming, but it always sneaks up on us. We look forward to it, but we dread it all the same. That’s right - its back to school! This year instead of scrambling at the last minute, start prepping the house, yourself, and the kids for the school year now. Here’s how:

What to prep in advance

Name tags

First time school parents, learn from my mistake! I didn’t realize that I would need to label everything that my child took to school - water bottle, pencils, lunches, clothes. Just assume that everything short of your actual child needs to be labeled before their first day. Luckily, most of the fan favorite brands have some great sales this time of year!

Lunch Ideas

A few weeks before school, start testing out some meals that would be quick + easy lunches for your kids. Sure, some will be misses but it is better to know that when they can run to the pantry and grab something else vs. having a hungry kid at school all day.

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out my Pinterest board dedicated to School Lunch Ideas.

School Supplies

Our school told us that they might need extra supplies throughout the year. While they are on sale, stock up on the most used school supplies.

Sleep Routines

Adequate sleep is essential for a strong immune system. Make sure that in the weeks leading up to school, your kids are resting well. Start pushing the bedtime a bit if their summer schedule is drastically different from their school schedule.

If you’re looking for a great alarm clock, I love the wait to wake style clocks for kids. We have Mella, and we love her! Or if you are just looking to teach your kids some independence by having them wake themselves, grab a clock that they love or that will play their favorite music when they wake.

Start Flexing That Muscle Memory

If your kids haven’t had any exposure to learning or structure over the summer, slowly add a little structure back into their day. For my kids, I took about 1 full month off of homeschool during the summer. As they are heading back to in person learning this fall, we have started sitting down 2-3 times a week for about 30 minutes of play based learning while my littlest naps.

Stock Up on Meds

A fact that I am just coming to terms with is that my family is going to be passing around all the germs come this school year. I am going through our medicines to toss anything that is expired and restock any of the supplies that we will surely need. Things like fever reducers, Neosporin, etc. are often used without warning so having to run to the store to stock up with a sick kid at home is not ideal.

First Day gift ideas

I honestly didn’t know that First Day Gifts were a thing, but being the Pinterest loving mom that I am, I will most certainly be partaking…..but in the lowest effort imaginable. Here are some great printables that you can attach to a gift card.